Wednesday, 12 November 2014


(This is a press notice we have just issued).

England’s councils have added extra financial reserves of £2.3 billion over the past financial year, despite the coalition’s austerity programme that has cut hard into vital local services.

Commenting on the news, Glen Hart, Croydon North’s prospective parliamentary candidate for TUSC (Trade Unionist & Socialist Coalition), said, “Because of their enthusiasm in slashing jobs and services, councils have increased their total reserves to a massive total of £23.7 billion. This is outrageous - especially since very many of those councils are Labour controlled!”.

He went on to say, “The councils for their part will say, we need the money for a rainy day. But the Tory Government will say, you clearly don’t need all the money we are giving you in grants, because you are not spending it. So we will start giving you even less! What I’d like to know is - how much has Croydon council got squirrelled away!”

Glen Hart, asked, “Why isn’t our One-Nation-Labour council using their surplus money to help defend Croydon’s citizens against the Government’s austerity policies? Why isn’t it building houses or repairing them, with some of this money? Why isn’t it opening libraries rather than closing them? Is the answer, I wonder, that a One-Nation-Labour government would put just the same constraints on councils as the Coalition Government is doing?”

English Councils have shed around 500,000 jobs since 2010

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